Breaking Bad Predictions

Jim’s Predictions

  • Jesse will break good.
  • Hanks injury will lead to him discovering Walt’s cooking activities.
  • Mike will turn on Gus and join forces with Walt.
  • MISS! Walt will NOT be seen in his underwear throughout season 4.
  • Saul’s bodyguard will die OR his poor health will cause him to not be able to help Saul in a moment of need.
  • MISS! Every episode titled with a weapon name will include someone being killed with that weapon.
  • We’ll find out that Hank knows Mike from some area of law enforcement.
  • MISS! Walt is going to open up a competing carwash across from Eyebrows, and run him into the ground.
  • Skyler will write a book about her and Walt’s experience Breaking Bad.
  • HIT! Eyebrows will be back in season 4.
  • There is going to be something very wrong with the carwash that Walt & Skyler bought.
  • MISS! Walt Jr. will crash the Challenger.
  • HIT! Gus will not be killed with Ricin
  • HIT! Skyler will give Ted Walt’s money and Walt will find out.
  • Jr. will let it slip to Hank that his dad called him Jesse.
  • “Everyone” will die. (Walt, Skyler, Walt Jr., Holly, Jesse, Mike, Saul)
  • Hank will not turn Walt in.

A.Ron’s Predictions

  • Jesse will impregnate someone.
  • HIT! Walt’s youngest child will be endangered or kidnapped in season 4.
  • Walt will cheat on Skyler.
  • Walt Jr. will become part of the family business.
  • Walt and/or Jessie will be arrested on drug charges.
  • MISS! Walt will kill the head of the Mexican drug trade.
  • MISS! Gale’s lab notes will be seen in every episode this season.
  • Marie will serve Hank divorce papers when he recovers.
  • Skyler, Walt Jr. or Jesse will end up using Saul’s “disappear-er-er-er” at the end of the series.
  • Walt Jr. will work at Los Pollos Hermanos.
  • Jesse will kill Walt as per the music video in episode 207 by series end.
  • Hank dies before the end of the series.
  • Ted will not make it out of the series alive.
  • Todd will be the first to die. (starting in Episode 503)

Score: Jim: -9, A.Ron: -8

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