Life is Strange – Commissioned Let’s Play

Special thanks to Steve Anderson who saw an obvious loop hole to our “approximately 2ish hours of content” rule and pulled the trigger on a Let’s Play of the Square Enix game, “Life is Strange”.  If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a Let’s Play, it’s essentially watching one or more people play a video game, which is a crazy enough concept, but we’ve done it a bunch of times.  This particular game is an interesting case; you play a teenage girl attending a prestigious art academy, trying to navigate cliques and social circles, academic achievement, strange disappearances of peers and sketchy faculty… oh, and you can control time. Due to the nature of the medium, there will be no podcast version.

As always, if you’d like to commission a podcast… Let’s Play… thing-a-ma-jig, check out our store for more info!

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