Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 08/17/11 Edition

Well, it’s going to be a short update today.  The only real news of note that I have is the latest “Powerless Ranking” from Grantland.  Money quote:  “Walt is so ready to die that he makes Jesse look not ready to die.”  Heh.  This has me thinking, Walt is so far just getting jerked around this season.  When are we going to see him live up to the pre-season hype of “he’s no longer in danger, he IS the danger!”?

Lastly, and I have no sources beyond a poster on reddit on this, so take it for what you will, but apparently they are going to somehow incorporate 2 minutes of footage from the upcoming ID Software game “RAGE” into the opening segment of episode seven of Breaking Bad, “Problem Dog”.  What do you make of that?  I wonder if it’s going to be a commercial segment and it’s a misunderstanding, or they provided two minutes of footage for BrBa to edit down as they see fit, or what.  Is Jesse moving on from Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing?  Or, the report could be bullshit.  I guess we’ll see in two weeks!

Running short on time, so let me know if I missed anything!

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