Episode 6 – “Don” Solo

This weeks episode of PowerPlay sees our cast down a Host in the form of Peter Street! However, fear not for this only gives our “Don” Stafa time to shine the brighter!

Starting with a brief What “We’ve” Been Playing segment Stafa continues by tracking down and dusting off  his Top 7: Favorite Childhood Games of ALL TIME! This gives us a true look into what the “Don” loved about games growing up as a kid.

Following the above discussions Stafa ends the show by announcing the winners of our Steamgifts Contest and sharing there personal stories of giving game related gifts! Congratulation to those lucky enough to receive an invite code from us at PowerPlay and listen for your stories right now, on this weeks episode of PowerPlay!

Just don’t expect the “Don” to go easy on you…

Music Credits:

Intro. – Another Soundscape by: Nobuo Uematsu

Outro. – Helix Nebula by: Anamanaguchi

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