Breaking Bad News – Thursday 08/18/11 Edition

Good morning!  Er, I mean afternoon.  Sorry about the tardiness of my post.  My boss has this crazy idea where I have to do things for him, and it pushed my lunch hour waaay late today.  I’d blow him off, but then he’d slit my network engineers throat with a mechanical pencil, just to send me a message.  I have to say, it’s a far more effective management strategy than TPS reports.

Alan Sepinwall scores an exclusive clip for this week’s episode, “Cornered”.  WARNING: Explicit Eyebrow Content.  I loved this scene, for my money it’s as tense as the Silent Gus sequence from “Box Cutter”.  But, I had mixed feelings, since this mean that Jim is right on one of his predictions.  Dammit.

Marie’s blog dropped.  This one I feel is perhaps more significant than most, but that might be because if you squint, it might point to my prediction of Hank and Marie splitting up this season.  “What about you, Marie? Are you living your best life?”  Do you feel me on this one?  Maybe it’s just me.

I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel here, but have you ever wondered what 200+ pounds of real meth looks like?  Well, now you know.  If you’ve been reading regularly, you know how I feel about the War on Drugs.  This photo op reminded me of the one from the first season of The Wire, and I’m sure it will just as much effect on drug use and crime.  Namely, bupkiss.  But let’s not let that stop us from throwing non-violent criminals and sick people in jail, and boosting the money and violence involved in the drug trade!

Lord almighty you guys are absolutely drowning us in awesome feedback this week.  I’ve gotten more great theories, speculation, and questions in this week alone than I can shake a stick at.  And we’re north of 80 reviews on iTunes already.  You guys are simply the greatest.  We are going to work hard to get it all in on the next show.

Keep it coming!  Email us, Tweet at us, like us on Facebook, we read and love it all.  It really keeps us and the podcast humming.  Thanks again!

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