Breaking Bad News – Tuesday 08/30/11 Edition

A bit of housekeeping first.  If you missed it, we released the podcast for 407, “Problem Dog” last night.  I hope you guys like it!

If you haven’t got a chance to read our listener Nick from Ottawa’s research on Gale’ case file, you should take a look.  We talked about how the Madrigal Electromotive site is possibly fan made and not official.  A lot of people are asking how could a fan have registered a website so fast, but Nick proves that this stuff has been laying around since last year.  This morning, some enterprising soul over at reddit decided to email the contact at Madrigal Electromotive, and got a response.  Interesting!  I’m pretty solidly on the “this is a fansite” side of the argument, and I think this email supports that.  It doesn’t seem to use the same “voice” as the show uses when they’re writing in universe stuff like Hank and Marie’s blog.  But that’s me, what do you think?  Full reddit thread here.

The official site has a nice Q&A with one of my favorites, Bob “Better Call Saul” Odenkirk.  My favorite part is when asked what can the audience learn from Saul, he replies, ” I think everything’s a negotiation with Saul. A naïve way of looking at the world is that there are these rules in place and we have to follow them, but the truth is that everyone is constantly negotiating what they’re doing and why and how much they’re getting paid for it. I think that’s something you can learn from him.”  Co-sign.  Everyone makes their own deal in life, and striking the balance between being a good citizen and neighbor and looking out of number one is what success boils down to.

From the “competition? What competiton?” department comes this:  News that AMC is considering doing after shows for their drama series. Dammit, just when we were getting started. Might as well quit while we’re ahead now that the pros are moving in on our turf!  In all seriousness, this is a fantastic idea, a way to engage viewers and wring out more advertising dollars, and obviously, the relative success of various podcasts that cover TV have proved the idea has an audience.  People love hearing and talking about their favorite shows.  I’d be lying if I said Jim and I wouldn’t love to do something like this in an official capacity.  Until then, we’re content to be outsiders.

That’s it for today.  We appreciate all the feedback and takes we get from you fine people.  Keep it coming!  Email usTweet at uslike us on Facebook, we read and love it all.  It really keeps us and the podcast humming.  Thanks again, and see you tomorrow!


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