Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 09/07/11 Edition

Sorry about yesterday.  The good news is, I did get a lot of work done, and Casa A.Ron has functional indoor plumbing once more.  The bad news is all the crawling around in crawl spaces and hefting big ass water tanks and softner systems has wrecked my body.  I’m not quite at Hank level immobility, but give me another day for the stiffness to really set in.

The other bad news is, I thought taking a day off would give me more material to work with, but damn if it’s not pretty sparse around the news front.  But, I’ll tell you what I’ve found…

First up, Hank’s blog is up, but so far no Marie.  What do you make of this special message to Walt:  “Even though we’re not related by blood, I’m happy to know that I can count on you when I need a favor. I hope to return it soon. Just say the word, and I’m there.”  What kind of favor might Walt call in?

Grantland has their weekly Powerless Rankings (again, if this is your first time with us, this is a parody of the various NFL Power Rankings that sites like ESPN post).  Walt has been steadily slipping in the rankings, and now sits at the “bottom”.  Me, I’m thinking that he’s going to be off the list entirely by the end of the season, because he’s going to live up to all these “EXTREMELY VOLATILE” posters before too much longer.

If you want to dig more into Chilean history, here is the wiki article on Pinochet, the 1973 coup, and the ensuing Caravan of Death.  We are getting TONS of great theories on Gus’s identity.  My favorite so far is that Gus is actually Pinochet’s son.  I don’t think it’s true, mind you, but it is my favorite theory.  Brush up on your Latin American history and make up your own!  Also, I’m going to throw this review from the NY Magazine out there for you, which echoes some of the listener theories we’ve gotten; it’s the only one I’ve seen that really does some research into the kind of stuff Jim was talking about during the cast for “Hermanos”.

That’s it for today.  Hopefully they’ll be some more good stuff tomorrow.  In the meantime, if you want to reach out to us, you can email us about the show, Tweet at us, or like us on Facebook.  We appreciate positive reviews and subscribers on iTunes.  It looks like we’re too old at this point to be on New and Noteworthy, but we’ve graduated to “What’s hot!”  Right now we’re at rank 47 in TV and Film; we need to get to 36 to be seen on the front page.

Last but not least, check out the links at the top of the page for our Amazon store and affiliate links.  Anytime you buy something off Amazon using those links, we get a tiny kickback.  It costs nothing for you, and helps us pay for the bandwidth to run the podcast.  All the feedback, reviews, and support helps us out immensely, and we thank you so much for all of your support thus far.  See you tomorrow!

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