Breaking Bad News – Friday 09/09/11 Edition

I’ve got an unusually fat Friday news post!  First up, a relatively fascinating piece I found on the concept of “toxic masculinity” at the provocatively named  Gender issues is of personal interest to me, I like examining how concepts of privilege shade our day to day lives, and to look at other people’s perspectives differ from my own.

Here’s some disappointing news for those of us that are zombie fans and Bryan Cranston fans (and for all the people who are clamoring for us to do a Walking Dead cast, there must be a lot of you!); Bryan is NOT going to be in World War Z, due to a scheduling conflict.

This is an old interview with RJ “Walt Jr.” Mitte, but I hadn’t read it, so chances are neither have you.  Mitte talks about his disability, Gilligan’s special relationship with cerebral palsy, and most tantalizingly, he character’s involvement with drugs.  “Is your character addicted to meth?  Not yet? Will he be?  Maybe.”  Hmmm…

You all know my man crush on Alan Sepinwall…  He and his partner Dan Feinberg discuss the past two weeks of Breaking Bad on the Firewall and Iceburg cast, starting around the 53 minute mark.

I found this Gem on reddit; Bob “Better Call Saul” Odenkirk doing his best Dane Cook impression.  NOT SAFE FOR WORK!  BUT HILARIOUS!

IMDB gets the bonus sneak peak again this week, this of a scene of Walt and Jesse hanging out.  Making small talk.

Madrigal Electromotive has a new update in their executive thinking series:  Rewarding Employment Opportunities Equals Expanded Business Opportunities.

Funny pic Friday!  Yo, I heard you got that blue stuff.

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