Breaking Bad News – Monday 09/12/11 Edition

Hello!  In case you missed the news, a business trip to Chicago is going to delay our podcast this week.  Instead of posting Monday night, it’s going to drop Tuesday evening.  In the meantime, hopefully our instant reviews (this one is mine, and this one is Jim’s) will tide you over.

I have to give Melissa Maerz the championship belt for recaps this week, as her’s is chock full of insights.  She always does a good job of keeping her eye on the bigger picture, and constantly goes back to Villigan (our pet name for show runner Vince Gilligan) proclamations such as “in this season the student will become the master” and “this show is about Mr. Chips turning into Scarface”, as she helpfully points out “in Scarface, Tony did kill his partner.”

I’ll link you to Alan Sepinwall’s and Todd VanDerWerff’s (LA Times) recaps as well, but honestly this week I didn’t catch anything mind blowing from either.

On the official side of things, I’ll change things up an link you to Kelly Dixon’s excellent Insider podcast first this week.  There is also the customary preview for next week’s Salud, and the behind the scenes video Insider for this week’s “Bug”.  They also have a nice QA with Steven Michael Quezada about his role as Hank’s right hand man, Agent Gomez.  Finally, there is also a bonus Insider video, breaking down Jesse and Walt’s fight.

In cased you missed it over the weekend, our friends over at Behind the Cutting Edge posted their interview with the Villigan himself, Vince Gilligan.  As you should know by now, their interviews aren’t the usual cookie-cutter crap you get elsewhere, and the advertise them as conversations more than interviews.  Kudos to them, I continue to be green with envy at their access!

Email us your thoughts about the show, any links or news we might have missed, or any original takes you want to get out of your system. Remember, since we’re casting tomorrow, you have an extra 24 hours to send us in some good stuff for us to read “on the air”! We’ll use as much feedback as we can by the time we start casting, which is usually about 7pm EST.  See you tomorrow!

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