Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 09/28/11 Edition

I apologize in advance for the terse nature of the post.  I’m in an incredible time crunch at work today and had my lunch cut short, so I’m flying through these.

I do want to take some extra time to shine a light on the plight of Patrick.  Patrick is deaf, a brand new Breaking Bad fan, was plowing through the series on Netflix, only to find out that the finale of season one wasn’t subtitled!  This, despite Netflix advertising it as a series with full captioning.  My next door neighbors growing up had a deaf son, and we were good friends.  Imagine if you were watching Breaking Bad this weekend, and the sound was turned off, with no way to turn it on.  How pissed would you be?  If you have Netflix, and a free moment, consider calling their customer support line at 1-866-716-0414 to let them know how you feel, since Patrick cannot, and they have eliminated email support.

The Sydney Morning Herald interviews Aaron Paul about “Meth in his Madness.”

Bryan Cranston is in a new PSA commercial raising awareness for Asthma.

Hank’s blog! Depending on how “canon” you consider the information, it appears that Hank doesn’t suspect Walt any more or less than he did before.  “My brother-in-law feels like hell over this, obviously. I’m inclined to forgive him. ”

Alan and Daniel break down Breaking Bad at the 51 minute mark of their Firewall and Iceberg cast.

That’s it for today. If you want to reach out to us, you can email us about the show, Tweet at us, or like us on Facebook.  We appreciate positive reviews and subscribers on iTunes. Check out the links at the top of the page for our Amazon store and affiliate links.  Anytime you buy something off Amazon using those links, we get a tiny kickback.  It costs nothing for you, and helps us pay for the bandwidth to run the podcast.  All the feedback, reviews, and support helps us out immensely, and we thank you so much for all of your support thus far.  See you tomorrow!

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