Breaking Bad News – Friday 09/30/11 Edition

 Well folks, I tried to get A.Ron to come out from under the house for today’s Breaking Bad News but he just couldn’t stop laughing.  At what?  I really have no idea.  I mean, how was I to know he wouldn’t want me to give all his money to Fox so they could continue producing American Idol?  So what if I slept with Randy Jackson?  I only did it cause A.Ron was making podcasts without me.  What other choice did I have?

Anyway, that means until A.Ron calms down, Jim Jones is on the news!

The first thing I wanted to show you was this article from Science 2.0 which asks the question: “Has Breaking Bad made the reputation of chemistry worse?”  Go ahead and do a little word association.  Chemistry – what’s the first word that pops into your head?  Well, I really thought the article’s author had hit the sauce a bit too hard until they listed the “terms most people associate with chemistry: poisons, toxins, chemical warfare, alchemy, sorcery, pollution, and mad scientists” and my word matched up.  Is there a negative public perception of chemistry?  Voice your opinion in the comments section.

How about some positive news?  Bryan Cranston is raising awareness about asthma in this PSA.  His next one?  The dangers of smoking ricin.

Apparently Madrigal Electromotive is making a PR push with a new blog that sprung up this month.  Looks like Barry Goodman is behind this one as well.  I’ve gotta give him props for weaving himself into the mythos of Breaking Bad as much as he has.  The article I linked to is about ricin and it’s actually quite interesting and informative.

That’s it for today’s news.  I’ll force A.Ron out of the crawlspace over the weekend so he can get back to the news on Monday.  Until then, send your feedback for last week’s show to us via email, Twitter and Facebook.

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