Breaking Bad News – Thursday 10/13/11 Edition

Hello!  Welcome to the FINAL Breaking Bad News for 2011.  Maybe ever!  It was a lot of fun writing these each day, and kept me “in the Breaking Bad loop” as it were, but I also got a bit more spoilers than I was bargaining for in my daily travels, and it was a much larger sink on my time than I thought.  Especially on Wednesday and Thursdays mid-season when there just wasn’t much going on.

The AV Club wraps up it’s mega season break down with the Villigan!  Part 3 is here and part 4 is over here.

The Baylor Lariat says that Breaking Bad continues to show the dangers to meth.

Slate has the cure for Breaking Bad off season blahs… watch Vince’s many excellent episodes of The X-Files!  I’d like to add to the recommendation of the episode “Bad Blood”.  Funniest X-Files ever.

The TVFantatics have a round table discussion of “Face Off”.

Ars Technica loves BrBa, but misses the geeky chemistry from the earlier seasons.  The clips they have on there are great! Yeah science!

That’s it for today.  Thanks so much for reading, listening, and supporting us all season long.  It really kept us going each week.  If you want to show your support, we always appreciate iTunes reviews/subscriptions, and your participation in our Amazon affiliate program.

See you next week as we shift focus to AMC’s The Walking Dead, with our new podcast “The Watching Dead!”

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