Walking Dead Review – 206 – “Secrets”

Well, this is the episode where this ridiculous show roped me into another season of watching.  Unless they drop the ball really badly, like, say, crash two 737’s into each other over Herschel’s farm, I’m in.

There was a lot of silly stuff, to be sure, and I think we should have been at this point two episodes ago, but bygones.  The good stuff is pretty good.

What’s good?  The fact that an episode that was largely Darryl free held my attention, for one.  The fact that several survivors are getting real about the dangers they’re facing and putting others through (Lori realizing how they’re taking Glenn for granted; Maggie realizing that maybe what’s in the barn isn’t exactly Mom and Shawn; Dale and Shane seeing each other for how they really are; Glenn growing up and carrying a gun).  Andrea taking a small, halting step towards becoming someone I wouldn’t want a walker to chew on.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve heard about three Lori speeches along the lines of “I don’t want to live in this shithole world” rebutted by Rick’s earnest “But if we’re alive at least we have hope” routine.  They need to find a way to move this forward without being stuck in a rut.  I understand that it’s going to be a constant conflict, and it’s a realistic one to have, but it’s tiring as hell for the audience.  And Andrea pissed me off as much as she didn’t, and then they made her seem a little too gun nut, and I’m not sure what to think about her scene with Shane.

But, progress!  Maybe this show will find it’s feet and figure out what makes it potentially great.  Other observations…

  • The morning after pill does not work like that.  I don’t think even taking a massive dose would affect an established pregnancy.  I understand what they’re trying to do here, but I frankly think it was irresponsible to further the common misconception that emergency contraceptives are “abortion pills”.  If you would feel comfortable taking birth control pills from a moral standpoint, you should feel comfortable with the morning after pill.
  • I loved Kevin Smith’s take on Talking Dead about the apocalypse from a chicken’s POV.
  • Show people; if you think I”m going to forgive Andrea just because Darryl did, you are sorely mistaken.  She’s got to do a lot more than shoot proficiently and go right for Shane’s dick to wash that sin away.
  • Speaking of Andrea, Shane shouldn’t apologize for bringing up Amy.  I thought that was a good way to teach shooting under stress, and she just couldn’t handle it.  And of course, of course her reaction would be to stomp off alone.
  • Dale has some bottom to him.  Can’t look out for shit, and is the worst sort of busy body, but the way he tackled two of the scariest guys in camp; Herschel and Shane, I got to say I have much more respect for him.  And he did not back down or break eye contact with Shane.  Props.
  • Even Glenn thinks Lori is too skinny.  Heh.
  • T-Dog, “Don’t give me that gansta shit.”  Hell yes.  What was that kid thinking?
  • Jim had a hilarious one-liner when Lori was going into all her justification for keeping things from Rick, after grilling Rick for keeping things from her all episode long; “Tell it to the frogs.”  Bahahaha!


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