Movie Poll – June 15th, 2012

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Alright! It’s time to kick off this project proper!  If you’re curious what this is all about, please read this in-depth post on the Bald Movie project from last week.

Select a movie from the poll to your right that you’d like to send Jim and I to.  It’s kind of slim pickings for this week, and I don’t think we have a strong preference. I will say that the kind of review you get out of us with an Adam Sandler flick is going to be a very different experience than if you send us to a documentary on Rap.

Remember, the way it works is we’re going to see the movie Thursday night / Friday morning, record as soon as we’re done seeing it, with the goal of posting Friday afternoon.  These bonus casts will sell for $1 a piece, all of our regular television shows will remain free.

To help you make your decision we’ve assembled the following trailers for each…  Please feel free to vote even if you do not intend on buying the resulting product.  The more the merrier!


Rock of Ages – That’s My Boy – Something From Nothing: The Art of Rap

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