Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

The third Bald Movie, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” was an interesting choice for us.  Based on the book by the same title, (and screenwritten by the same author), I had started to talk myself into the notion that this movie could be cool; after all, Abraham Lincoln is the kind of historic figure that has the larger than life biography to fit something like vampire hunting into his life’s nooks and crannies, the Civil War provides an always fascinating background for great stories to be told, and, you know.  Vampires.  What did we think in the end?

You can find out in our cast, but unlike nearly all of our content, this one is pay for play.  You can either 1) sign up for a $4/monthly membership, or 2) pay a stand alone $1 for the cast.  If you’d like more information on how or why we’re doing some pay content, you can check our initial post on the topic here, or some basic information on how membership works here.

Here is the link to the podcast.  I hope you enjoy it!  Feel free to let us know what you thought of the movie, our review or especially if you have any technical problems with your membership/payments by emailFacebook, or Twitter!

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