Episode 130 part 1: Erlenmeyer Flopiness Index

PARamEpisode 130 pt. 1 is now here! This week, we are preparing for our journey to Boulder, Colorado, where we will meet up with Jim and Aron for an amazing amazingness! Listen, and get ready for a Bald Movieness beat down this weekend in part 2. This week on the show:

• Listener Feedback (5:47)

• Gatecrash Prerelease (16:47)

• Trivia! (28:39)

• Beer! (33:50)

• Recommendations (47:27)

And don’t forget about the Bald Move network meetup, February 1st at 8:00 p.m. at the Avery Brewery in Boulder, Colorado. See all you Rocky Mountain listeners there!

Listen up! And feed us back (we’ll put it on the cast)

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