312 – “Clear”

This was a pretty good episode of The Walking Dead; unfortunately I don’t think our cast quite matches up this week.  First off, some rush hour weather kept Jim and A.Ron from getting together to cast, and we had to hastily assemble a remote recorded cast.  We also had some great skit ideas that we couldn’t execute over the remote connection, either. The audio quality is already a few notches below the norm; but then for about 20 minutes in the middle of the feedback it just went to crap and it was beyond our skill to recover.

Just a bummer all around.  Usually we’d just re-record the segments that got butchered, but it’s past midnight already so we’re going to war with what we got.  Hope you enjoy what did make the cut, apologies to the many people who’s email was lost in the noise, and we’ll bounce back next week with a full, trouble free cast.

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