Ep 24 – Happy Hour

Such a fun time when Nathan Hazard joined us as our guest this past Thursday to record. He even made drinks for us! He poured glasses of IPA (india pale ale) and added a shot of Campari to each one. Absolutely scrumptious, not too sweet, not too bitter!

He had stopped by a local brewery not too far from my house to pick up a ‘growler’. I never even knew this was a thing, but it is. And it was really good.

After drinks were poured, we got down to podcasting and picking Nathan’s brain about new music. And having him explain ‘A&R’ to us. He also made some savvy recommendations for bands that we might like, including:

The day after we recorded, I realized that Kimbra is the singer on the Gotye song ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ that I LOVE and has been ALL OVER the airwaves lately! Do yourself a favor and listen here, if you haven’t already heard it (you may remember that I used that song in some intros in a few Because Show episodes last fall).
Anyhoo, we also chatted about the Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook, the gluten-free Babycakes cookbook and even my old 1970?s Playboy Host and Bar Book that has about 59,000 obscure drink recipes in it.
We had a lot of fun and thanks again to Nathan for joining us! Now I think I will wrap it up and mix myself a ‘Foggy Day’.
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ALSO: for our 100th episode (we include our 1st 70 shows in our archiveand all of our newer shows with HomeFries) we are putting a call-out for listener voicemails ( 818-643-1565) and listener emails to read on the air. You may have been too shy or too busy in the past to reach out and say ‘Hey!’ but NOW IS THE TIME. Tell us anything you want about yourself and your favorite obsessions and we will read it over on our 100th episode.
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