Ep 23 – Random Acts

It’s all about random acts of kindness and senseless beauty this week!

Well, maybe it turned out a little more random and senseless than I had expected. It’s okay though, we recorded a nice long Episode 23 for you, despite everything. Some of the things mentioned in this episode:

Andy from The Table Set podcast threw a party last Saturday night and it was super fun.

Around town, it’s evident that ‘The Hunger Games’ marketing mania has begun! Have you read the books? Will you see the movie? But more importantly…

…will you buy the cookbook? Believe it or not, it’s supposed to be good, groosling and all. What else did we talk about on this show? The debate over whether we should continue reading our iTunes reviews at the end of each show surfaced. We’ve got two ‘Yays’ and one ‘Meh’ at this point, so we wonder if the listeners will weigh in on one side or the other.  We always like to hear feedback from our audience: what your favorite topics are and which ones are less appealing to your ears. Oh, and there were a few more things discussed:

Illamasqua. Fancy British cult makeup for your alter ego!

Ooh! Nameless artisan nail polish from strangebeautiful.

De-cluttering? See Tracy’s High Straightenance column for inspiration!

Susan has done gone gluten-free. And finished her book, complete with illustrations:

If you like what you’re hearing on The Because Show, do us a favor and tell a podcast-lovin’ friend about our show. We love when the word is spread. Leave us a comment, question or feedback here or on our facebook page. Clearly, there are plenty of ways to get in touch with us – you can always shoot us an email at thebecauseshow@gmail.com if you like. See you on the next episode!

p.s. I didn’t win the Megamillions lotto. But it is fun being in charge of the lotto pool at work.



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