Ep 12 – Holiday Smattering

It’s Thursday! Thursday night is the night we record! Thursdays nights are crazy but fun.  I leave work and hightail it home through the horrible LA traffic.

Finally, I’m home! Now Susan and Amy arrive with their kids and one spouse in tow. We all have a quick bite to eat.


There’s time for a little non-podcast related chit chat while I throw together my kid’s lunches.


Bob and John get kids set up in front of the tv when we are ready to start recording. What could be better than pizza on the couch while watching ‘A Christmas Story’?


Once we retreat to the bedroom, Amy and Susan have a chance to look over some notes I’ve printed up.


(But really, they don’t need to review notes! They  roll with whatever topic comes up.) Now we’re ready to get started:


On this show we talk about a smattering of subjects both holiday and non-holiday, including:

Whew! That was fun. Now put kids to bed, clean up some dirty dishes and  call it a night. Gotta get to back on my routine in the morning, hustle kids to school, drive myself to work for another day of making cartoons. And hmmmm….time to start thinking about next week’s episode!

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