604 – “To Have and To Hold”

Come with me on a quick tour of the Pete Pit, what some consider the tenth circle of hell.

On your left you’ll see Don “The Cheater” Draper.  Not only does he have the insolence to call his wife a whore, but he possesses the gall to immediately then sleep with his mistress.

On your right, Pete “GLP” Campbell, the man who puts the “Grimy”, “Little” and “Pimp” in “Grimy Little Pimp”.  His heinous acts are well known and bear no repeating, beside being unfit for any audience.

And in the center, Timmy “Ketchup” Jablonski.  We obviously don’t know much about him yet but unless you enjoy your ring finger doused in saliva like a ketchup-covered Oscar Mayer, you probably shouldn’t conduct your business with him.

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