Ep 75 – Liquid Milk

What’s up, buttercup? As we gear up for summer, so much is going on, we have a lot to share this week. Suffice it to say, your Because Show hosts are doing well, moving forward into new personal adventures. What kind of adventures, you might ask? Well, reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. And the hot new serial killer tome The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. Also, reading tv recaps on televisionwithoutpity.com, a guilty pleasure to be sure. However, we also discussed that:
  • James Franco will record a voicemail message for you (Thanks for heads up, listener Devin!)

Other things we talk about too. But listen to the episode and get back to us. You can tweet us @thebecause or jerilyn @jerilynd or amy @amyforstadt or susan @hotpad87  Do you have feedback, comments and/or opinions? We know you do. You can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com. Call our voicemail at 818.643.1565 and chat us up. We really really appreciate the listeners who say they look forward to our show every week and are sad when it is over. That is SO sweet! If you would like to do us a solid and support our show, you can feel free to write us an iTunes review! It is the primary number-one way we are able to grow our show and have new listeners find us. Help them find us.

And don’t forget, if you’re in Southern California and want to hang out- we totally want to see you at Golden Road Brewing at 5pm, Sunday June 23rd. Much fun will be had!

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