Ep 76 – F-bombs Abound

What do you get when you cross two old guys, a cat and a very naive Susan? Listen and find out. It’s a party of two this week, with Jerilyn and Susan. Dear Amy is hanging out with her parents for the week. Anyhoo,  there are lots of listeners voicemails on this episode and we revel in every single one! It’s nice to hear the sweet voices of our listeners when they call us at 818-643-1565.  Do you not like it when we ‘drop f-bombs’? Then listener be warned, there are plenty of f-bombs dropping in this episode. It’s just the way it had to be. Some of the things that were mentioned this week include:

  1. Lynn Chen’s new podcast The Actor’s Diet. We love Lynn and she has been a guest on our show twice!
  2. Paul Gilmartin’s podcast The Mental Illness Happy Hour. He puts it all out there.
  3. What Comes Around Goes Around! Reproduction vintage Vera scarves are selling at Target.
  4. High Intensity Training, 4 minutes 3 times a week is the way to go.

Thanks for all the great feedback and comments we’ve had lately – keep it comin’! You can email us at thebecauseshow@baldmove.com or write us a message on fb. On twitter we are @thebecause or amy is @amyforstadt, susan is @hotpad87, jerilyn is @jerilynd. We are still looking for phonecalls from people who have had affairs. Thank you to Ms. Anonymous who called in with her real talk about an affair in real life. Interesting stuff.  Do you have something to share? We’re looking forward to hearing from you xxoo

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