Twin Peaks (1990)

This community commissioned podcast is for the 1990 television series, Twin Peaks.  Created Mark Frost and David Lynch, we can only imagine the impact this had on audiences 30 years ago as 30 million Americans obsessively tuned in every week to answer the question, “who killed Laura Palmer?”  Jim ultimately doesn’t like it, but I see it’s potential and got a lot of enjoyment from the crazy tonal swings and quirky, off beat nature.  Also, lots of beautiful and interesting people on screen constantly, which always helps.

Special thanks to all our community commissioners, Shayne Bowman (of Film Schlubs and Heisenberg Chronicles), Georgia, Adam Pastory, Wes Stephens, Lacloake, Amie Miller, Cory,
stefan.gustafsson , amarra, medelliae, betmarik, cocoa2mc, josh.rickard, dan, and
RR Lamb for pooling their resources and making this podcast happen!

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