408 – “Too Far Gone” – Instant Take

After the last two week’s distraction from what was going down at the prison, we return in triumphant fashion with the highly entertaining hour of television that was The Walking Dead mid-season four finale, “Too Far Gone”.  And by “triumphant” I mean “a total defeat for everyone concerned,” except for us, the viewer.  Seriously, Daryl killed a tank single handedly.  If you didn’t enjoy that on an at least “Expendables” kind of level, I think it’s time you just gave up on The Walking Dead, because I don’t think it’s going to get much better than this.

Join us Tuesday for our full length coverage, as well as your feedback, and don’t forget, we’ll have our traditional wrap up next week too, so you have plenty of time to get your thoughts together and sent in.

Also, our “Child’s Play” charity drive is in full swing!  For details, check out this post I wrote to kick things off.  The basic premise is; you buy things on Amazon using our affiliate link, during December, and we take all that affiliate cash and give it Child’s Play, who gives it to kids at children’s hospitals and women’s shelters around the world. Best of all, it costs you nothing, and has a real impact on people’s lives.  How often can you get a deal like that!  Please share our affiliate link with friends and family and help us spread the word!

As always, if you like what we do, give us a shout out!  You can emailTweet, or Facebook us.

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