Looper (2012)

Today’s commissioned podcast is Looper, the 2012 sci-fi action thriller directed by Rian Johnson and starring, Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Emily Blunt.  We have Dave from San Jose to thank for this, as he’s the one who pulled the trigger and made the commission.  This movie is really, really great, thought provoking, well made, and entertaining.  It’s one of those podcasts where we sit back and think about time and space and what it’s like to meet yourself from the future, which is always fun.  It’s not perfect, but it may not be possible to make a better time travel movie that’s this much fun to watch.

Anyway, thanks again Dave!  We had a good time with this one.  But we also had a good time with Anne of Green Gables, which I think I got confused and credit that commission to Dave.  I blame time travel.  As a reminder, our commission queue is closed as we are still working our way through our backlog.

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