Ep 113 – Candidly Candid

Hi Guys! All three of your flavorite podcasters are back, with plenty of things to say.  We talk about  the wonut, the pake and the soon – as well as other new foodie inventions. What the heck is a chork? You will find out. Of course, we also update all around on everybody’s life.  And, this week we have a book recommendation for Lorrie Moore’s ‘Birds Of America’ collection of short stories. Check out her newest release ‘Bark’!
Love you! If you love us, call our voicemail at 818-643-1565. Be a longtime listener and first-time caller!  On Facebook, find us. On twitter, tweet us @thebecause. And Instagram! We are jerilynsb, sniffumynub and amy4st so pop on in and say hi to us over there. Hope you are well and practicing good self-care xxoo See you next week!
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