Ep 130 Breaking Up

How alone do you have to be ‘alone’ after a break-up? How long is long enough? Listeners have some opinions as so do we. Also,we’ve got some thoughts on the Reverse Tally-Smally aka a petite woman dating a much taller man. Currently, we are requesting listeners call in with their best/worst break-up stories – keep ‘em coming, guys! 
As always, We beseech listeners to keep sending the emails, connecting and touching base – we love it! You can reach us at 818-643-1565. You can email to thebecauseshow@baldmove.com  On Facebook, find us. On twitter, tweet us @thebecause. And Instagram! We’re there too -jerilynsb, sniffumynub and amy4st so pop on in and say ‘Hi!’ Cool? Thanks. xxoo See you on the flip side!
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