10e31 Particles – Episode 65

This week the guys get local up front with news for a possible Brew Ha Ha meet up in downtown Indy, we mourn the passing of a giant with our observation of Towel Day, Jimbo Wales has delusions of grandeur regarding Wiki as a World Wonder, don’t mess with the TSA, Texas, and Jim pitches the idea of laser tag hair removal.

The meat is served medium rare with A.Ron lamenting the apparent beginning of the end of human space travel, and practical plans to get us to Mars right now, that no one gives a shit about.  After a brief comedic interlude, Jim discusses Roger Ebert’s meditations on the dying of the light, the dimming and diminishing of America’s cinemas.  Like everything else, Sony is to blame.

For feedback, we have a veritable cornucopia,  with a guest spot on home brewing from Jesse of Personal Arrogants, and a Stafa’s Corner that turns into a moving tribute to the late, great, Randy Savage.  Not really.  But it’s entertaining, and he’d want it that way.

That’s a pretty damned good episode, if you ask us!  If you agree, or want to hook up at the Brew Ha Ha, drop us a line, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or leave us a five star review on iTunes.  If you don’t, tell us why in our forums! Registration is fast and free!


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