Barely Legal – Episode 76

In this week’s show, A.Ron and Jim ponder some science, philosophy, pop culture and politics through the lens of SCIENCE!  First up, a research paper opens up the debate about spoilers we first had way back in episode 62, with a new study suggesting that reading pre-spoiled books is more enjoyable than reading them spoiler-free.  So take your spoiler tag, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and cram it up your candy ass!

Next comes another study that boldly asserts that once just 10 percent of a given population holds an unshakable belief in an idea, that it is inevitable that idea will take over the majority of the same population.  This might have some potential applications in podcasting!  We just need another 700 million listeners!  We are so close!

Jim and A.Ron briefly discuss Jim’s thoughts on GENCON, and we look forward to PAX next week.  Then, we have some bittersweet news to drop on you, as we announce that Blue Yonder will be going on hiatus in the coming weeks.  We’re not stopping podcasting!  Hell, no, we’re just off general geekery and we’re on to our other passion, television.  If you’re a fan of Breaking Bad, we’d love it if you followed us over at our new project, Breaking Good.

And if you still can’t get enough geek and pop culture, we cannot recommend our frienemies over at Personal Arrogants enough.  We never knew that when we started shit with them, oh so many months ago, that we’d find such dependable foils as well as friends.  Jim and I (gemini) are huge fans, and we feel like if you give them a shot, you’ll like them as well if not better than our cast.  They also have the virtue of not going off the air!  So there’s that.

If you’d like to share any fond memories you’ve had of the cast with us, email them in!  For every piece of feedback we get, A.Ron is donating $5 to Child’s Play, up to a maximum of $500.  We’re doing a final, very special episode 77 where we reminisce about the last year, and give our final State of the Geek address before signing off.  We still hope to do a joint cast with the PA crew in Seattle if they’re up for a 1 week reunion tour!  See you next week!  I’ll bring the kleenex!  Ew, god, not like that.

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