Shawnimal Ninja Contest!

As announced in episode 44, we’re running a promotion; bring us the heads friendship of you and four other friends to our facebook page and we’ll send you a free plush ninja for your trouble.

Here’s how it works. Visit our facebook page and “like” us. Get four of your friends to do the same. Hell, they don’t even have to listen! Then send us an email saying who your friends were, what color ninja you want, and where you want the deadly assassin sent. The USPS does the rest!

Note: one ninja per five likes. So, you can cut him up, starfish style and share, or you keep it intact, for for yourself, and tell your slacker friends to find five more bodies so they can get the silent but deadly plushies too!!

Update: The black and orange ninjas have already been dispatched on their grim but adorable missions.  Only the blue and green — masters of the ancient and subtle art of time and wood magic — remain.  Are you worthy to claim their allegiance?

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