Sick Ward – Episode 52

How much do we love you guys?  Enough to release a cast with one member down, and two on life support.  Listen as A.Ron struggles with week two of the plague and Jim actually dies ON AIR of consumption.  This is the Oregon Trail of podcasts.  Our wagon’s axle breaks, we lose our food and gunpowder fording the river, and the entire party dies of dysentery.

But before that!  My ongoing coverage of advances in sex games continues with coverage of the “Kiss” controller.  We provoke nerd rage in an attempt to rank the all time best Comic Book movies, with a look at how this year’s releases might fit in.  We revisit some old Powerplay ground with a discussion of horror in entertainment, as we touch on the new Dead Island trailer.  We finish up with Stafa’s Corner as Jim chokes out his last breath.  I might have attempted a British accent that bests Kevin Costner’s worst accents of all time.  It’s debatable, that’s all I’m saying.

If you liked this week’s episode, we’d love for you to follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, and if you really like us, I mean, “like like” us… leave us a five star review on iTunes.

Next week we’re going to do a bit of a PAX preview.  Tune in if you want to find out how to hook up with Jim and I (gemini) at the eXpo and find out what events we’re going to be at…  Maybe we’ll see you there!

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