Unboxed – Episode 51

This week’s cast is HOT.  You know me well enough that if we have an iffy or so-so week, I’ll tell you up front.  “Under-promise and over-deliver”, that’s the A.Ron motto.  In related news; I’m a mediocre lover, ladies.  Rowr.

This week; we discuss the attraction of Miss Felicia Day, of the recently announced Dragon Age web media series.  Fond memories of Showbiz Pizza Place’s house band, the Rock-afire Explosion.  Reboots of successful (and not so successful!) franchises; Spider-man, the Hulk, Battle Star Galactica, Star Trek.  And we welcome our new computer mastermind overlords with a discussion of Watson, the new Jeapordy playing artificial intelligence.

Last but certainly not least, we double up on Stafa’s Corner with two great emails from the Don.  You like?  Send us an email, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, and go yak in our forums!  Not only do you get to stay in the loop on all of our latest projects, but it makes our e-peen hard.  Studies have conclusively linked great podcast output with the girth and firmness of e-peen.  And hell, you might be able to get a plushy ninja out of the deal.  So get to fluffing!

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