511 – “Confessions” – Jim’s Instant Take Review

I feel like I’m watching my child compete in the Olympics when I watch Breaking Bad.  I know that I’m watching something extraordinary but there’s an ever-present fear of it all going horribly wrong.  The last show I can remember that sucked me in this much was LOST.  We all know how that turned out…  But so far so Vince Gilligan has stuck every single landing (he’s surprisingly spry) and tonight’s episode was no different.

The breakneck pace continues.  In a single episode, Jesse went from catatonic to histrionic and it couldn’t have felt more natural.  Despite an awkward hug that would give Peggy Olson a run for her money, it’s clear there is no love left for Walt.  I’m very curious to see how Jesse chooses to burn Walt’s empire to the ground.  Will he take the literal route and light the fire that he’s prepping for at the end of the episode or will he team up with Hank to bring Heisenberg down?

If I had to put money on it, I’d bet he teams up with Hank.  I think he saw something in Hank during that interrogation that he wasn’t quite willing to open up to before he found out about Huel’s big ol’ sausage fingers.  But all bets are off now.

Except the one where I bet that Hank and Jesse would team up.  That one is still on.

Skyler seems like the other wild card in this whole thing.  She really believes that this isn’t an ongoing thing, as she told Hank and Marie at Chotchkie’s the family restaurant.  When she comes home to a house full of gasoline and / or a blazing inferno, she’s bound to realize that it is in fact a very ongoing thing.  That could make her change her mind about which horse to back and possibly flip on Walt.  She also didn’t seem comfortable with Walt’s confession plan.  Doing this to Marie must be eating her up inside.  I just don’t know if she has the ability to repress all of the guilt like Walter does.

That’s all I have for now.  You can hear more in our Instant Take podcast and even more on Tuesday when we come back for the full podcast covering 511 – Confessions.

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