Breaking Bad News

First up from Brittany Frederick at StarPulse is a quick Q&A with Betsy Brandt on season 4 and her character, Marie.  Highlight:  “…pretty much every year I ask Vince Gilligan for Marie to get a gun and have really good aim. I would love to see her get in on the action.”  Marie as a gun moll?  Why not?

Speaking of “why not”, AMC announced a new browser-based “Graphic Novel Game” called the “Cost of Doing Business”, that puts you in the role of Jesse Pinkman, yo.  I won’t get a chance to mess around with it until later tonight, but I’m digging the style.

What did ya’ll think of the game?  I’ll have more thoughts later when I get a chance to play.

Update: Awww, yeah got the high score! Rank “A: Kingpin”.  Read on for my full review…

The game is basically an animated movie that pauses every once in awhile to let you choose a few different dialog paths, which boil down to “playing it tough” or aggressive, “playing it cool” and being more passive and persuasive , or “somewhere in between”.  Based on these encounters, you get cash, and a larger final cut from successfully completing the mission.  I uncovered at least one side game, an arcade shoot’em up in the style of “Area 51”, that was surprisingly well done and fun.  I’d estimate a play through is going to take between 10 and 15 minutes for the average Joe.

It’s hard to be disappointed in a free game, but I will offer two gripes:  1) the mission itself, and 2) I didn’t get to say “bitch!” even once.  I mean, come on, how accurate a Jesse simulator is this?  Plenty of “bro” on “yo” action though.  The mission itself was kinda insane, Badger sends Jesse to buy a very rare comic book.  Yeah, comic book.  And somehow it involves prostitutes, guns, threatening a guy’s daughter, and seedy warehouses.  Seems to me a silly way to avoid having a player actually involved in the drug trade (although you CAN bribe people with meth, so what the hell, AMC?)

The game looks and sounds great, whoever did the game did a very nice job delivering on the Breaking Bad world with a pulp comic feel.  Honestly, let me say “bitch” a few times and make this about tracking down someone who ripped off some blue crystal and the game would be twice as fun.  But don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself!

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