Breaking Bad News, Thursday 07/14/11 Edition

Breaking Good - A Breaking Bad PodcastHey there!  Sorry I’ve been remiss on the news front, work has been brutal this week.  Speaking of brutal, check out Bryan Cranston’s video interview with the Associate Press talking about his character’s transformation up until now, and going forward.  There is some great new footage in this, that shows that they were doing a bit of the old rope-a-dope in the various pre-season trailers.  Nothing too spoilery, but if you want to see absolutely NO NEW FOOTAGE out of context, avoid this.

Next up is a nice piece of season four review by the Matthew Gilbert at the Boston Globe.  Again, there are some very light spoilers in the article, but only for the most feint of heart.  For example: JESSE OWNS A ROOMBA!  MARIE CHANGES A BEDPAN!  OMG!  But I found interesting some of the small points of imagery he analyzes that Gilligan and company are undoubtedly using to tell us things about the characters, and things I’ll for sure be on the watch for.

This review of the first episode, by David Hinckley of the NY Daily News, is a bit more spoilery.   If I were a regular viewer and not the obsessed podcasting megafan that I am, I’d have tried to steer clear of that one.  But if you are starving for news and want as much details as possible without having major plot points revealed, this is a good one.

Showing some love to some fellow casters, The Walking Dead podcast reveals that there will be a trailer for the Walking Dead during the premier episode of season 4 this Sunday.  All the more reason to watch!   Jim and I are a big fan of WD, and if this Breaking Good thing ends up being fun, we might shambling along when season 2 starts up this Halloween.

This is an interesting article by Michael L. Moore (not that Michael Moore) dealing with how fan reaction, bloggers, and the internet can have a surprising affect on the course of a show.  Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?

I like both Whitlock and Klosterman, so this semi-beef they have going over which is better, The Wire or Breaking Bad is amusing to me.  Make sure you don’t miss the Klosterman article on Grantland that sparked the “controversy”.

Finally, I’m a big fan of Alan Sepinwall over at HitFix, and would like to direct you to his review of season 4 if you missed it, and his video interview with Aaron “Jesse Pinkman” Paul.  They cover a lot of ground in the 8 minute video, and Alan really tries to get into his head to find out what it was like playing such a tortured character in seasons 2 and 3.  Alan is famous for his sensitivity to spoilers, so you can watch and read his stuff with confidence that he’s not going to dick you over.  If you’d like the definitive analysis of Breaking Bad to this point, or The Wire, or Sopranos, or Game of Thrones, or any TV series of note for that matter, check out his archives.

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