Breaking Bad News – Monday 07/18/11 Edition

First off, you guys took a look at our Instant Takes, right?  If not, you can read Jim’s here, and my own over here.

As expected, there is a cornucopia of news, recaps, and reviews today.  I’m going to try to hit the high points.

This recap by Melisa Maerz made me jealous.  Lots of good insights and observations that I didn’t catch on the initial viewing, and some I wouldn’t have got if I saw it a dozen times.  Check it:  “As for Jesse, we’re not quite sure. It seems he’s having a harder time adjusting to his new role as a murderer. Our first clue? After he shoots Gale, the camera zooms in on Gale’s table, where there’s a copy of Stephen King’s short story collection “Everything’s Eventual.” The title story in that book focuses on the guilty conscience of a man whose job requires him to kill criminals. We’ll bet Jesse can relate.”  I love little stuff like that, and this recap is chock full.

Breaking bad bingo!  You’d have to randomize the board, but this would be a fun Breaking Bad watch party game.

The Hollywood Reporter has a good round up of reaction from around the web to the season premier, highlighting industry types’ comments on twitter, etc.  Sample: “Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof: “Every potential Supporting Actor Drama nominee for 2012 who watched BREAKING BAD tonight just quietly muttered, ‘S–t..”  Pretty much.

Grantland’s Steve Kandall has a really good Q&A with Vince Gilligan.  Money quote on when Walt crossed the moral event horizon:  “Everyone speaks of the moment in Season 2, when Walt watched Jane, Jesse’s girlfriend, die from a heroin overdose. I think Walt reached the point of no return was actually before that, as early as Season 1, and it might have been the moment in which he was offered financial salvation. He was offered some sort of deus ex machina salvation in the form of his former partner coming to him and saying, “Listen, Walt, I’ve heard about your situation, and I’d love to give you a job, and I’d love to pay your bills, and I’d love to give you a free hand here.” And Walt, out of pride, would rather cook crystal meth than take the help.”  Everyone has their own answer for that question, but I really like Vince’s thoughts on it.  Rewatching the series in the last month, it really was obvious how pride is Walt’s Achilles’ heel.

Showing some podcast love (not like they need it!)  to the official Breaking Bad Insider podcast has their Episode 401 up.  This one is hosted by Kelly Dixon, an editor on the show, and features Gilligan, Cranston, and more.  It delivers the goods.

Adam Bryant at TV Guide has an awesome interview with Giancarlo “Gus” Esposito.  He asks his opinion on several different twists and turns the show takes in Season 4, and since his opinion is an informed one, some of this could be considered spoilery.  You’ve been warned!

Oh, before I forget… if you’re reading this at work:

If you’re still starving for news, be sure to follow our Twitter account @BreakGood, as Jim slings links and news all day, every day.  In the meantime be sure to email us your thoughts, any links or news we might of missed, or any original takes you want to get out of your system. We’d love to hash stuff out with you on the forums, too!  Don’t forget, the Breaking Good podcast comes out tomorrow, so I’ll see you then!

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