Breaking Bad News – Monday 08/22/11 Edition

First up, if you want a sort of pre-cast primer, you can check out my instant review here, and Jim’s over here.  Tonight’s podcast should be a good one, I have lots to talk about, and we have a ton of awesome feedback and theories courtesy you guys.  We’ll start recording around 7pm, and have it online before midnight, so stay tuned. Alan brings the thunder this week, with a longer and more in depth recap than usual, which befits such a meaty episode.  “”I am the one who knocks!” instantly enters the pantheon of bad-ass declarative statements, up there with the likes of “I’ll be back,” “My name is my name!” and “Say hello to my little friend!””  Word. Melissa Maerz offers some interesting analysis by way of the Godfather.  She also links to an interview of Gilligan from the end of season three that I wasn’t aware of where this goes into a bit more detail.  ” I admit to borrowing liberally and being inspired by “The Godfather” and “The Godfather Part II.”” June Thomas.  Something I want to watch for on my rewatch tonight:  “When Skyler told Walt she was worried that the man who offed Gale might do the same to him, is it just my imagination, or did Bryan Cranston somehow manage to convey that Walt wondered for a moment if Jesse might indeed do the same to him some day?”

Like most Mondays, there are a lot more recaps, and news in general, so if you want more, here’s the firehose.  Moving away from recaps, I’ll cover some of the other news and interviews.

From the official site, we have the Inside Breaking Bad video for “Cornered”, the officially official Breaking Bad Insider podcast, and an awesome interview with RJ “Jr.” Mitte.  Some good raw meat for peculation, ” His main worry is school and getting through school, but nobody really knows what goes on in Walter Jr.’s life… There is really a lot that is going on inside the character that’s more crazy and troubling. I think once people get into the story of Walter Jr. they’re going to see another side of what’s going on in his world.”

Via reddit, we see that Bryan Cranston’s on camera showering has been a craft he’s been honing for a surprisingly long time.  Also; closet furry.  Not to be outdone in the crazy-ass commercial department, Aaron Paul submits this Juicy Fruit piece for your consideration, where he tears a man’s shirt of with the powers of his mind.  No, I’m not making any of this up.

Also via reddit, we have the Breaking Bad audition tapes for Dean “Hank” Norris, Aaron “Jesse” Paul, Betsy “Marie” Brandt, and Anna “Skyler” Gunn.  I found the Skyler audition, which is of the infamous birthday handjob, strangely uncomfortable to watch.  Just me?

This week is going to be a strange one, as I’m basically traveling from tomorrow until Sunday evening.  This should not impact the podcasting schedule, but it will impact the Breaking Bad news.  I’m trying to work out a schedule where Jim watches the shop while I’m away, so this should be up around noon EST each day, but it might be later depending on his schedule.   At any rate, if you want to kno

Email us your thoughts about the show, any links or news we might have missed, or any original takes you want to get out of your system. Tonight, we cast!  We’ll use as much feedback as we can by the time we start casting, which is usually about 7pm EST. We already have a TON of feedback to get to, so if you’re going to bring it, bring it.  I expect the cast to be up late tonight, around 11pm EST.  Check us out on Twitter or Facebook if you want to be appraised the second we get it uploaded.  See you then!


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