Breaking Bad News – Monday 10/03/11 Edition

Happy October, everyone!  If you’re looking for Breaking Bad Halloween costume ideas, might I suggest my buddy Jim’s article on how you can dress up as Walt or Jesse?

Reviews!  First up, take a look at my instant review from last night, and then check out Jim’s.

Sepinwall’s review has a little bit for everyone, and highlights the tension of the episode.  “The scene where Jesse is the one who knocks for Walt is almost unbearably tense; Aaron Paul is so phenomenal in the moment that you can almost imagine him pulling the trigger in a fit of indignant rage, and the show reinventing itself as The Jesse Pinkman Story. And even though I didn’t expect Walt to successfully blow up Gus’s car… I still caught my breath when Gus stopped himself and went to look out of the parking garage.”

Melissa Maerz is good this week, too.  I really like how she has a knack for getting the visual symbolism of the show:  “The moment that Jesse crumples up an entire pack of cigarettes beneath that big red EMERGENCY sign, it’s clear that we’re approaching a big red EMERGENCY moment.”  It’s the little touches like that, that make BrBa brilliant.

James Poniewozik from the Times.  “Even now, at the seeming end of all things, Walt cannot help but open with condescension toward Jesse.” I picked up on that, too.  Do you think there will ever be a moment when Walt genuinely respects his partner?  I mean, I think he respects Skyler, and he still condescends to her.  “Watching Jesse nervously flick his lighter on and off, I’m struck by how many people on this show like, literally, to play with fire.”  Another nice catch.

On to the official content… the Insider video is really good this week, and Giancarlo “Gus” Esposito all but calls “total bullshit” on Gus being responsible for the poisoning.  Now, I could have misinterpreted his comments, and he’s just the actor, he’s not the guy pulling the strings (Villigan), but that’s a bombshell if true.

The preview for 413 “Face Off” is really good, and hilarious, I thought.  I get a kick out of how entitled and naive Walt still is.

The officially official BrBa Insider cast apparently hasn’t updated yet, but word is you can get it on iTunes or via their feed.  And did you catch last night that you can win a “walk on” role for the next season of Breaking Bad!?  Oh god, I hope Jim or I win this, or one of you fine people.  That would be beyond awesome.  Finally, the promised Q&A with composer Dave Porter is up, and is really good.

Email us your thoughts about the show, any links or news we might have missed, or any original takes you want to get out of your system. Tonight, we cast!  We’ll use as much feedback as we can by the time we start, which is usually about 7pm EST.  See you tomorrow!

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