Breaking Bad News – Thursday 09/08/11 Edition

The question of Gus’s sexuality has been a hot topic on the internet this week.  I found this article interesting, as it is written by an openly gay man, and he expresses frustration at Vince Gilligan for being sort of wishy washy on his take on the subject as heard on the Breaking Bad Insider cast for episode 408.  He also talks about the “evil gay” stereotype, which I had never heard of before, but it’s on TV Tropes, so it’s a definite thing. One listener wrote in and said he doesn’t feel that Gus is gay, because what self-respecting gay man would refer to his partner as his “brother”.  That’s a pretty compelling point, but on the other hand, maybe that was effective camouflage in the ultra-macho world of late 80s Latino mobsters?

Marie’s blog has been updated, and this week it looks like she’s setting out to piss off parents.  In related news, XKCD posted this comic.

It’s pretty funny how many “in real life” breaking bad incidents I come across.  I’m averaging about one a week.  This one is a very interesting twist, in that not only did an associate professor at Cal State start selling meth, he was also secretly the leader of a Devil’s Disciples motorcyle gang.  Wow, Walt, your’e going to have to step it up!  A hilarious side note, the professor ran a twitter feed containing such gems as “Sometimes the best of plans can be ruined by a cuddling cat”.  You said it, Doctor.

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