Breaking Bad News, Tuesday 08/09/11 Edition

Hope you all have had (or will have, for the West coasters) a pleasant morning.  We dropped episode six of our podcast, covering Breaking Bad episode 404, “Bullet Points”.  If you liked the opening, you should really check out the interactive Gale Boetticher evidence file at the official site.  The video of Gale singing is priceless, both for the performance, and the ludicrous backgrounds.  Word on the street are that the subtitles in the video are Thai.  Anything significant to that, you think?

Staying with the official site for a bit, they also have the sneak peak for the next episode, “Shotgun” featuring heavy doses of Hank.  Don’t miss their “Inside Breaking Bad” for “Bullet Points”, too, as the creators and actors elaborate on their characters motivations and feelings.  Man, is it ever weird seeing Giancarlo Esposito NOT be Gus.  Last but not least, the Breaking Bad Insider official podcast is up!  I continue to be jealous of our friends over at Behind the Cutting Edge, as Kelly Dixon shouts out their cast in this week’s edition.  Mr. Bill and his crew are rocking the house, I tell ya!  All in all, you can waste about an hour at the site and not run out of content.

Vulture explores the hidden morality behind the many bald heads of Breaking Bad in a slide show presentation they call “Breaking Bald”.  I liked the caption for Mike:  “I’ve got bigger shit to worry about than parting my hair.”

Speaking of Mike, I linked to the Jonathan Banks interview we discussed in the spoiler section of the cast in the show notes yesterday, and while looking up the source of that I stumbled upon this interview of him from 2010 on AMC’s official site.  Does he not sound like the kind of guy you want to have a beer with and make perfectly clear that you definitely have no desire to date his daughter?

I continue to be amused with Grantland’s weekly “Powerless Ranking”.  Walt this time narrowly edges out Louis C.K. because “Walt’s no match for a couple of junkies who’ve just been offered a hundred bucks.”   Heh.

That’s all for me, but if you still can’t get enough, be sure to follow our Twitter account @BreakGood, as Jim posts stuff for you all day, every day.  Email us your thoughts about the show, any links or news we might have missed, or any original takes you want to get out of your system.  If you like what we do, maybe pay us back a bit by liking us on Facebook, or giving us a positive review on iTunes?  Thanks for all your feedback and support, and we always appreciate it.

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