Breaking Bad News – Tuesday 08/16/11 Edition

Last night we got the podcast for Episode 405, “Shotgun”, up at about 11pm EST.  So if you missed it, check it out!  It was a bit different, usually Jim runs the cast and I just mouth off here and there, but due to a technical problem, Jim lost his show notes, so we had to use my chicken scratches as the outline.

I liked this review by the Showtracker at LA Times.   To be honest, this is describes my relationship with the show.  It’s a constant tension between how well the show is made, how great the characters and writing is, and how preposterous the plot developments sometimes are.  It’s like watching a stage magician work; you look too hard or your suspension of disbelief wavers for one moment, then suddenly the smoke and mirrors start to become visible.  It’s not saying the show is bad, I obviously love it.  But they do walk that tightrope, and to me (double plane crash) they sometimes fall.

A cool little article that talks about the practical chemistry behind Breaking Bad, including the infamous Rice-n-beans.

We got some feedback already from last night’s cast saying we should talk about the music on the show more, and I couldn’t agree more.  I can’t believe we’ve missed it.  I’ve linked to this before, but AMC keeps a list of the songs and artists they feature on the show.  Expect us to add this to our analysis (when it makes sense to do so), and at least shout out the artists works we appropriate for the show’s intro music. Last night we featured Ana Trijoux’s “1977”.
From the official site, the sneak peak at next week is up, featuring Jesse and Mike in a diner.  Also, while I mentioned the official cast yesterday, I forgot to link it.  So, here’s a make up link.  Sorry about that, Kelly!
Did I miss anything?    Let me know!   And if you still can’t get enough, be sure to follow our Twitter account @BreakGood, as Jim posts stuff for you all day, every day.  Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to stay up to date with all our happenings, and as always, we’d appreciate the five star iTunes reviews!  See ya tomorrow…
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