Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 08/03/11 Edition

Not suprisingly, there is a lot more analysis of the AMC/Sony struggles today. Here is a breakdown by ScreenRant.  I wonder when we’re going to hear something from Gilligan about this? I find myself in total agreement with this piece where Time Magazine wonders if less is more with Breaking Bad.  “I feel that Breaking Bad is like The Shield, a show whose moral complications and cat-and-mouse games can’t go on forever without feeling contrived. I would hope that one final season to end the story of Walter White would give us a Breaking Bad working at its highest level yet…”

Ratings update:  Breaking Bad has fallen from the premier rating of 2.5 to 1.7 for episode 403, but still is trending over last season.

This articles speculates on how Walt can and must take down Gus to continue his villain arc.  I’ve seen a lot of people go apeshit about “OMG GUS IS RECORDING FELONIOUS ACTIVITY IN THE WALTCAVE!” but really, just because something is being monitored by closed circuit TV does not mean it is being recorded.  I think Gus is far too smart to be recording what is going on in the lab, don’t you?  This is just a way for Gus to keep an eye on the boys without exposing himself, I think.  Then again, Gale kept detailed notes, which seems crazy in retrospect.  Reminds me of Stringer Bell’s thoughts on the subject from The Wire.  “Is you keeping NOTES on a criminal fucking CONSPIRACY?!

A lengthy interview with Betsy Brandt over at  I thought it was interesting to see her personal interpretation of Marie’s ethics on stealing. “When she stole the shoes and the store clerk was rude, that’s okay to do because she deserves it and that store deserved being stolen from on that clerk’s watch. So she thinks everyone she steals from deserves it…”  I don’t know that I buy that.  What did anyone with the open houses do to deserve it?  It would be interesting to see her elaborate on that.  Maybe in one of Marie’s blogs?

Speaking of which, Hank’s got a new blog post.  It’s mostly dark, but I thought this was funny, and speaks to a universal male truth: we like to shit.  “And of course, can’t spend my special Hank time alone in the bathroom. Seriously, it used to be so simple. Grab the sports section, close the door, drop the kids off at the pool at my own pace. No, now it’s basically the worst thing I’ve ever gone through. So, thank you psycho Cartel assmonkeys. Thank you for depriving me of one of the few true pleasures in life.”

The guys over at BTCE have their Breaking Bad Edition podcast cover “Open House” up.  They’re the same dudes that scored the interview with Cranston last week.

That’s it for today.  If you like what we do, we’d really appreciate a positive iTunes review.  If you didn’t, tell us why.  We also have a poll up on Facebook asking your preference about podcasting formats, and we’d appreciate your feedback on that.   If you still can’t get enough Breaking Bad news, be sure to follow our Twitter account @BreakGood, as Jim posts stuff for you all day, every day.  Email us your thoughts about the show, any links or news we might have missed.  See you tomorrow!

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