Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 08/31/11

First off, it’s my birthday, today.  I’ve made it 35 years on this planet.  Hopefully I can pull off another 40 or 50.  As a birthday present, the Internet got me some decent Breaking Bad news!  That’s thoughtful of the internet, really.  Wednesdays can be dry sometimes.

First off we have Hank’s blog, and not to be outdone, Marie’s blog as well.  From Hank’s; “I gotta say, one of the best feelings in the world is to know, to really know, that you’ve got someone nailed… You find the little piece you need to tie the whole thing together, and you’ve got the bastard dead to rights. These are the days I love my job.”  I wonder how that will feel when you eventually nail Walt, you big lug.

I swear though, when it comes to Marie, it’s almost as if the show is trying to turn people into misogynists.  This is the highlight from Marie’s blog, which also including kvetching about turning a car wash into a car spa, you know, so she can get her nails done;  “Now, some people might say: But Marie, what if you never found a purple toaster oven? I would say to those people: The only thing standing between me and a purple toaster oven was the determination to never stop looking until I found one.”  I get it, ha-ha, Marie loves purple.  It’s her lifes aspiration to turn her house into “the purple prison” as Hank calls it.  It just seems crazy that this blog is defining her as such a shallow, one dimensional character. There is a lot more going on in her head, I’m sure, and I get that Marie is not the sharing, honest, open type, but then what is the point?  What if you keep writing stuff, and nothing ever happens?  WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN, HUH?

Seen on reddit, an easter egg from the in-game Rage footage.  (In case you’re having a hard time seeing it, the graffiti is “GALE” written backwards.)

From ScreenRant, an awesome infographic on Breaking Bad, and meth in America.  Get your learn on, USA Today style!

On the business front, AMC’s stocks have risen based on their recent success.  That’s very good news for those of us that love their original programming.  Also, metacritic says that Breaking Bad is the highest critically rated show on television right now!

If you’re wondering what I’d like for a birthday present, the answer is simple.  I’d love to hear from you!  Email us about the show, Tweet at uslike us on Facebook, we read and love it all.  If you really want to make my heart swell up two sizes to big, give us a positive review on iTunes.  All this stuff helps keep us going, so thanks for all your support again!

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