Breaking Bad News – Wednesday 10/05/11 Edition

Hey overseas fans of Breaking Bad.  It’s about to get easier to get your fix!  The Sundance Channel picked up the international rights for BrBa, and Hell On Wheels among others.  The deal is for Asia and parts of Europe.

The AV Club has a nice interview with Jonathan “Badass Muhfukin’ Mike” Banks.   Jonathan recounts his first day on the set of BrBa: “I came home and said to my wife, “I just worked with this kid, and I think he’s really, really good.” And, of course, that was Aaron [Paul]. And as it turns out, I was really, really, really right. But he’s just a pleasure to work with. I’m very close with him. We give each other endless shit. [Laughs.] And it just makes for a wonderful day. ”

Hank’s blog is updated.  Interesting mention of Gomez… “I’ve been teaching him a little about how to be a real cop… It’s been a little while since I’ve been able to bust his chops. It feels nice to be back in the saddle. You never really know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”  Any foreshadowing here?

That’s it for today. If you want to reach out to us, you can email us about the show, Tweet at us, or like us on Facebook.  We appreciate positive reviews and subscribers on iTunes. Check out the links at the top of the page for our Amazon store and affiliate links.  Anytime you buy something off Amazon using those links, we get a tiny kickback.  It costs nothing for you, and helps us pay for the bandwidth to run the podcast.  All the feedback, reviews, and support helps us out immensely, and we thank you so much for all of your support thus far.  See you tomorrow!

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