Jim’s Breaking Bad Instant Review – “Bug” – 409

Looking for A.Ron’s take?

In an episode of Breaking Bad that had the intensity of a season-ender, I had to keep reminding myself that we’re still 4 episode away from the climax!  I’m honestly not sure my mind can handle another icy conversation with Gus or any more tension between Walt, Jess & Mike.  But yet the show will go on for another 4 weeks and I guarantee I’ll be on the edge of my seat the entire time.  I’ll have to buy special padding, no doubt.

It turns out that the “Yes or No” question that Gus was holding out on was whether or not to turn over 50% of his empire and the recipe for the blue meth to the Cartel.  In a scene that was just about the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever watched, Jesse tells Walt about Gus’ plan and then engages him in battle.  Despite the changes we’ve seen lately in Jesse, I still view him as a bit of a kid.  That’s why it felt so wrong to see Walt, who clearly has the size advantage, beating the crap out of him.  But when Jesse turns the tables and gains the upper hand, I couldn’t help but feel bad for the old, dying man getting his ass whipped by this young punk.  Not to mention how hard it was to watch Walter’s pride and paranoia turn his last remaining ally against him.  And that’s a perfect example of the tightrope that Villigan [Vince Gilligan] is walking with these characters.  We never know exactly who we want to root for.  Both characters are simultaneously sympathetic and rotten to the core.  As soon as a character gains my trust, they abuse it… and then earn it again… and then abuse it.

While we’re on the topic of abuse we should discuss Walt  and Hank’s relationship.  Remember in “Bullet Points” where Hank cornered Walt in the hall and all but begged him to talk sometime?  Well, in typical Breaking Bad fashion, no foundation remains undeveloped and Walt twists Hank up to buy time for Gus to move the distribution center but appealing to Hank’s desire to spend time with someone who can understand him.  While I don’t want to see Walter pinched, I can’t help but feel bad for Hank as he’s given the run-around by Walter.

Why is it that everyone who has ever taken their first drag of a cigaretter on the silver screen has coughed?  I certainly didn’t.  But Walt does outside of the lab when he convinces Jesse to give him a cigarette.  Must be the pressure of the cameras; both the TV cameras and the closed-circuit system that is staring directly at White & Pinkman.  The way Walt still insists on taking the cigarette even after he knows Jesse hasn’t used the Ricin, the way he casually says “we’re both dead anyway”; I can’t help but think that that whole scene was an act for Gus’ benefit.  Does he want Gus to think his cancer is back or that he cares very little for the life he has left?

Another character who will have very little life left if Walt finds out what she’s doing is Skyler.  I’m positive that she’s about to give Ted a WHOLE LOT of Walt’s “hard-earned” cash to make his back-tax problems disappear.  And when Walt finds out?  We might just get a repeat of tonight’s final scene, this time starring Skyler.  Walt has not risked prison and his life just to hand over the cash to the guy his wife was sleeping with.  But maybe Skyler can pull it off without Walt finding out.  She does play a pretty convincing bimbo and gets a little revenge on Ted at the same time.  Not only does she get a “car wash cashier” jab in but she makes him look like a womanizing asshole in the process.  Will $600,000 make up for that?  We’ll probably find out.

There’s so much more to talk about with Mike & Gus but we’ve got save something for the podcast, right?  Stay tuned.  This week it’s going to be a day late since A.Ron will be out of town for our usual Monday-night recording session.  Look for the podcast on Tuesday night.  And in the meantime, check out our Amazon store or use our affiliate link to buy the stuff you’d buy anyway to support us and help keep the show on the air!  Follow the show on Twitter where I interact 25/8 with you guys or hit up A.Ron on Facebook (only 24/7, SLACKER!) or send us an email with your feedback so we can read it on the show.  See you on Tuesday!

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