Blue Yonder

Rise from your Grave! – Episode 77

Join Jim and A.Ron as we discuss just what the hell we’ve been up to the past four months and our latest gaming endeavors (including Settlers of Catan, Stratego, Battles of Westeros, Batman Arkham City, and of course, Skyrim).  We rant about the ludicrous situation that downloadable patches and locked save games has brought to us, talk a little bit of TV (of course), reminece about our Great War with Personal Arrogants, and read the last feedback we got on the cast way back in August.  Jim gives an update on our experiment with a “listener sourced cast”.  Finally, A.Ron fulfills a promise to donate some cash to his favorite charity, Child’s Play.

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Barely Legal – Episode 76

In this week’s show, A.Ron and Jim ponder some science, philosophy, pop culture and politics through the lens of SCIENCE!  First up, a research paper opens up the debate about spoilers we first had way back in episode 62, with a new study suggesting that reading pre-spoiled books is more enjoyable than reading them spoiler-free.  So take your spoiler tag, shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and cram it up your candy ass!

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GENCON Square Down – Episode 75

We are back after last week’s hiatus.  Honestly, I’m heartbroken we lost the Jim Jones Experiment.  It was an hour long mind fuck of yours truly by Jim Jones, and it was weird, it was uncomfortable, it was hilarious by the end, and it would have been legendary, and then Jim deleted it, with no backups.  Because, I dunno?  Mac people don’t make good backups.  I guess?

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No Blue Yonder This Week

Jim and I’s podcast professionalism lasted through 74 episodes, but alas, they didn’t get us to 75.  My partner mistakenly deleted episode 75 while editing it this morning.  So, that kinda sucks, since it’s the middle of GENCON and we don’t exactly have time to record a new one. Our apologies for the fuck up….

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Five Inch Boom – Episode 74

GENCON, the “best four days in gaming”, is coming to our humble home town of Indianapolis next week.  We invited Michael “Madbrew” Brewer back on to give some tips for what to look for in this years convention, how to navigate the expo hall, potential new releases, and what you can safely avoid.  If you missed last year’s GenCon preview with Michael, you might want to give it a listen, as he discussed a lot more general GENCON survival tips, and his love for RPGs.

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Hyperbowl – Episode 73

Busy week for A.Ron and Jim.  A.Ron breaks down his various trials and tribulations including a Jim Jones mindfuck, a breakup, getting his PANFI on with his boy, and golfing in Satan’s Asshole.  We also launched a very successful podcast on Breaking Bad, and were interviewed on The Amazingly Pulp SHOOOOOOOWWWWWW!! We bring the listeners up do date with some follow up to the male privelidge aspect of our cast with Madbrew last week.  I don’t know what to make of this take, in particular, of a feminist pondering male privildge through the prism of her own white privlidge.  I don’t doubt the basic truth of her premise, but I’m not sure what to do with this information.

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Brewing Madness – Episode 72

This week we bring back Michael “Madbrew” Brewer from MadBrewLabs for a three man debate about insane co-workers, assholes in RPGs, gaming culture, inclusiveness, women and minorities in gaming, who has rights to our friendships, and what we can or should do about our White/Straight/CIS/Male Privilege.

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All Natural – Episode 71

Jim and A.Ron always pay their debts.  We owe you a cast, and today we deliver on that promise.  We talk about Florence + The Machine, Battle for Hill 218 (free online version), Battlestar Galactica (board game AND series), that fantastic new HBO series “Game of Thrones” that just finished up it’s first season, A.Ron’s revolutionary idea for a “sincerity” movement, and the surprising news that Kickstarter is the 3rd largest independent comic book publisher.

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Ian Samuel, Esquire, Interview – Episode 70

The write up for this one is going to be short and sweet, folks, because the content is long and savory.  We finally aligned technology and schedules and sat down with Ian for a talk about all things geek, legal, and lawery.  Want to know what it’s like to argue before the Supreme Court? What it’s like to be an Omeganaut at PAX?  How to fight back against unfair IP law?  If emulators are legal?  How much energy the Death Star took to destroy Alderaan?  We talk about it.  At length.

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Truffle Shuffle – Episode 69

This is a terrible cast.  I honestly wouldn’t listen to it, if I were you.  I mean, I gotta keep it real, right?  I can’t say how awesome our casts are and it mean anything and then drop a turd and talk it up, yeah?  Yeah.

Thing is, I’m not sure why it flopped on it’s face.  We had some good bullshit up front; pimping the Brew Ha Ha, advances in metallurgy, saying a happy birthday to Alan Turing, and talking about Terry Prachett’s dignity in making end of life decisions.  A.Ron plugs one of his favorite twitter feeds, @humblebrag.

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