Blue Yonder

Foam Huffing – Episode 49

Jim and A.Ron tackle one of the watershed issues of our day.  The god-awful disappointment of the Star Wars Prequel trilogy.  Spurned to discussion and debate by’s recent evisceration of Episode 3, we talk candidly about our betrayal by Uncle George.  Although initially Jim is less than enthused about the top — wait!  What’s that?! GOOD GOD THAT’S PETER STREET’S MUSIC!

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Begging on Digital Knees – Episode 48

In this week’s thrilling episode!  Jim has an acute attack of Girl On The Internet Syndrome, locksmithing, the evolution of the (Friendly) Local Gaming Store, and we wade carefully into dangerous waters with the latest installment of Stafa’s corner.  Finally, we tell a bald-faced lie regarding the inclusion of the fabled “Bo Jackson” content into this week’s episode.  No, no! No damn crying!  You’ll just have to wait for next week.

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Double Rainbow – Episode 47

A very special episode of Blue Yonder this week, as the guys discuss a serious topic; gays and geekdom. The geek community has a rep for being open minded and progressive, but is that warranted? Why aren’t there more gay role models/heroes in science fiction, fantasy, and video games in general? It’s not all heavy, as we touch lightly on Minecraft, Breaking Bad, douchebags, and post-outro, offer up some of the finest, old school off topic outtakes we’ve had in a while.

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Watersports – Episode 46

I know what you’re thinking. This is the Blue Yonder crew. I’m NOT listening to any damn thing that is tagged “watersports!” I know! I know. But listen, it’s not about what you’re thinking. Mostly not. Maybe a little? But it’s totally in a video game context, so I’m sure you can deal. If not, I have several really excellent therapists I can refer you to.

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MOPI Discussion — BONUS Cast

We knew a lot of you wouldn’t want to sit through even more discussion of singularity / Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, but we had to get it out of our system. This book tends to do that to you. Bonus content to the rescue! Feast your ears on even more discussion and debate about trans-humanity, the ethics and morals of artificial intelligence, plot details, writing styles, graphic content, themes, allegories, religious allusions and other art major type bullshit! Or not!

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Prime Intellects – Episode 45

Whoa, whoa! Check out the big brains on Jim and A.Ron! We do the damn thing on technological singularities, the e-novella Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, discuss the Little Big Planet 2 demo, touch ever so lightly on minecraft, declare total victory over Unwarranted Self Importants, and do some listener feedback. There’s some hot pillow biting action too. Something for everyone! Oh, and Amish Friendship Bread is a real thing. And terrifying.

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Shawnimal Ninja Contest!

As announced in episode 44, we’re running a promotion; bring us the heads friendship of you and four other friends to our facebook page and we’ll send you a free plush ninja for your trouble.

Here’s how it works. Visit our facebook page and “like” us. Get four of your friends to do the same. Hell, they don’t even have to listen! Then send us an email saying who your friends were, what color ninja you want, and where you want the deadly assassin sent. The USPS does the rest!

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Episode 45 Preview

This week’s show, which drops Wednesday, will feature us discussing the concepts of a technological singularity, structured around a review/debate/discussion of the e-novel, Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, which can be read in it’s entirety online. Please heed the warnings on site and below about the contents of this book. We talk about the subject in the cast proper for about 25 minutes, and will release another 40 minutes or so of the discussion as bonus content, where we really get in depth and philosophical. It’s different from our normal stuff, not as funny, per se, but very geeky and we hope interesting to you guys and gals.

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True Grit Review – BONUS Cast

I reckon it is about time to release this here bonus cast. It takes the form of a critical review of the movie, True Grit. Was it any good? Does it do the classic John Wayne justice? Is it badass? And more importantly, why is A.Ron struggling with making a folksy, western sounding news update to accompany this post?

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State of the Geek 2011 – Episode 44

Another week, another warm, fat brick from the golden goose. This time it comes in the form of Jim and A.Ron discussing the Chrome store, sex games on Kinect, a state of the geek update and our new year’s resolutions.

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