Blue Yonder

Geek Babes Draft – Episode 17

Geeks love their babes. And in that respect, Jim and A. Ron are most definitely geeks. Peter succumbs to the crack of the whip and bows out to judge the picks while Jim and A. Ron line up their top 7 geek babe picks.

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FPS – Episode 16

Bust out your hearing aides because this weeks episode is a long one. The guys delve deep into the vaults of their first person shooter pasts. They also debate the merits of console and pc fps and talk about where fps could go in the future.

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Massively Multiplayer – Episode 15

In episode 15 of Blue Yonder, the MMO cup runneth over. In this extended cast the guys talk about what they hate, what they love and what could be done better.

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Practical Jokes – Episode 14

Geeky college campuses and internet fads have made practical jokes and pranks a staple of geek culture. It’s their varied skills that enable geeks to execute some of the most epic practical jokes ever conceived. Jim, Peter and A. Ron recount the jokes that they’ve played as well as the ones that have been played on them in episode 14 of Blue Yonder.

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Madden ’84 – Episode 13

EA recently announced their intention to charge $10 for online functionality with used copies of their sports games. The guys give their opinions on this development and talk about where the future of gaming seems to be headed.

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Geek Colorblindness – Episode 12

Whether it’s RTS, fantasy or anime, every geek is immune to the charms of some band of the geek spectrum. Jim, Peter and A. Ron confront their biases and try to figure out why they exist in episode 12 of Blue Yonder.

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Iron Man 2 – Episode 11

Unfortunately, Peter is absent this week. However, Jim and A. Ron have seen Iron Man 2 and they’re read to talk about it. This is the spoiler motherload so get the fuck out the way if you haven’t seen it and don’t want to be spoiled.

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Wars vs. Trek (Part 2) – Episode 10

Part 2 of the Star Wars vs. Star Trek podcast covers the subjective quality of each franchise. The guys bust out another Would You Rather? segment and force themselves to choose. It’s a wild, flip-floppin’ ride so hold on!

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Zombie Draft – Episode 9

Your safety during a zombie apocalypse should not be taken lightly. In preparation for the inevitable, Jim, Peter and A. Ron draft their off-the-cuff, fictional character zombie survival dream teams. Do yourself a favor and listen closely, it may just save your life one day.

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Wars vs. Trek – Episode 8

The debate has been raging for years, almost as long as the franchises have coexisted. Jim, Peter and A. Ron will finally put an end to the debate once and for all… or will they? Listen to find out!

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