
A podcast from Jim and A.Ron of Bald Move covering reviews, theories and feedback for Fargo on FX? Well okay then.

403 – Raddoppiarlo

This week sees KC’s two crime families taking hard lines on their business interests which could lead them to a confrontation, Josto has a personal confrontation of his own, and we get some good old-fashioned outlawin’ from a very hungry pair of women.

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401 & 402 – Welcome to the Alternate Economy & The Land of Taking and Killing

The first two episodes of Fargo’s newest season have been a long time coming but now they’re here and they feel like home. Join us for a discussion of this season’s new round of characters, the crazy Fargo setup, and a thematic dissection of the show.

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Season 4 Preview

The fourth season of Fargo begins airing this Sunday @ 9pm with a special double-header premiere so we’re defrosting the podcast hotdish with a preview. Join us to get hyped for the new season!

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Season Three Wrap Up

Season three of FX’s Fargo has proven to be another polarizing season among the fan base, and for once, we’re on the sweet side of it! We loved the ambiguity and economic and political themes this year, and thought the villain was one of the all time greats. And quite a few more people last week agreed with us, but there are still a lot of people that hate it. I don’t think I can move you from one camp to another, but if you’re on the fence? Maybe we can help you do what we know you want to do, which is love Fargo. That’s what this wrap up is about, explaining the inexplicable, embracing uncertainty, and advocating for personal responsibility in a world full of people shrugging with their hands in their pockets. Speaking of ambiguity, we’re not sure when Fargo will be back, if it’s back at all, but we hope to see you soon because Bald Move is here to stay, aiding your enjoyment of the finest and most fun television and movies. So… see you around? You betcha!

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310 – Somebody to Love

FX’s Fargo season three draws to a close, with the finale episode, “Somebody to Love”. In a dramatic twist, everyone who loved season two, which was everyone but Jim and I, absolutely hated this finale. And yet, the only two people in the known universe that didn’t see season two as a triumph, which, again, us two, loved and liked it respectively. What the darn tootin’ heck is going on here, anyway? We found this season of Fargo very much of the time, and appreciated the fact that it allowed us to decide how the plot would resolve, and what to believe, and therefore to look at the world optimistically or fatalistically. Plus, Wrench is just too frigging cool. We hope everyone who disliked the season will write in and help us understand your pain, and the so far silent admirers will come to our aid, as we have one more week to wrap up the show and our coverage for season three before we, like Varga, fade into the shadows.

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309 – Aporia

FX’s Fargo continues on it’s hot run with this week’s episode, “Aporia”. Jim and I break down the highlights of this installment, Emmitt tells Gloria a whole lot of truth, Wrench and Nikki get Biblical on Varga’s gang, Moe ruins everything, as per usual. and we’re honestly terrified anytime the camera starts to pull focus on David Thewlis’s mouth. Good god, this show ought to have driven stock in fluoride up 500%. We wrap things up with a little bit of dead pool for the finale, and a little bit of feedback from your fellow fans. See you next week!

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308 – Who Rules the Land of Denial?

FX’s Fargo threw audiences a supernatural, out of nowhere curve ball this week in “Who Rules the Land of Denial” and A.Ron…. loved it? The man who hates a fishnado, the man who revolts at the first sign of UFO, is all down for purgatory overseen by a Wandering Jew? Okay, then. We discuss Jewish mysticism, Gloria Burgle’s arc, who is tormenting Emmitt, and how Varga’s move against Sy could be a fatal mistake.

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307 – The Law of Inevitability

FX’s Fargo continues to pick up steam as it heads into the final stretch, with “The Law of Inevitability” dealing with the aftermath of Emmitt’s loss (he doesn’t acquit himself well), Sy coming to grips with the destruction of his world, and Gloria getting sick and tired of people not being clear on the definition of law enforcement around these parts. And that doesn’t even get into the big finish with the return of a familiar face! We also briefly discuss the future of Fargo on FX in the feedback section, don’t miss it!

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306 – The Lord of No Mercy

Jim and A.Ron are floored at the surge of pacing on the back half of this season’s Fargo, as typified in “The Lord of No Mercy”. Shocking events unfold as our hero, the technically challenged Gloria Burgle, goes head to head with the master of cyber sleuthing, VM Varga. Plus, what’s Nikki’s play? Does Emmitt have a change of heart and begin resisting Varga’s take over of his parking lot empire, or does the tragic accident of this episode wash away his humanity for good? Is this week’s frame-job this season’s Fishnado/UFO, or are we in for some more unlikely incidents and coincidence? All this and more in this week’s podcast!

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305 – The House of Special Purpose

FX’s Fargo comes out swinging this week on “The House of Special Purpose”, delivering top notch black comedy and savage inhuman beatings with equal aplomb. Seriously, somebody should get an Emmy nom just for the phrase “fornicating with the cookware!” We try to figure out exactly how powerful Varga is, speculate on the Storage Queen’s prospects as an escape hatch for the Stussey crew, start to get suspicious of “New Chief” Dammick, and consider some of our listener feedback in a packed podcast episode.

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